Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How to Un-Do the Over-Do: Post-Holiday Tips

So, if you are anything at all like me, you TOTALLY overdid it on the sweets and savory items this past week. And you are really starting to feel the effects, right?

Sluggish. Tired. BLOATED! Yuck! No one likes feeling that way! But, I am here to give you some helpful tips on how to un-do what you just over-did! So, without further a-do...


This is something I could talk about ALL day! I know that most people "believe" they hydrate properly, but if you aren't drinking at least your body weight, in half, in ounces of water per day, you are MISSING out! Get on the bandwagon my friends.The days of "8 Glasses a Day" are long gone!

Take your body weight, divide it in half and that is how much water you should be getting in EVERY DAY!

If you are seriously bloated and sluggish, I recommend an additional 16 oz, at least! It will help your body rid that extra water weight! Trust me!

#2. Load up on the fruits and veggies!

Now, this seems pretty much common sense, but let me tell you, it's not. Listen, for a few days at least, you will need to cut out the yummy leftovers, the processed foods and anything that isn't a fresh fruit or vegetable.

Snacks are no longer going to be some of those pretzels or crackers with cheese! Snack on an apple with some type of nut butter (for protein) and trust me, you will THANK me for this! You're body will start going into healing and nourishing phase. This way, you will find that long-gone energy and be able to power through step #3...

#3. Get MOVING!

Move that body, my friend! Get it going!! I'm not saying you need to go run a marathon. Quite the opposite, actually. The first workout after over-indulging is always the toughest one! I get it. So the simple answer is a simple workout to get your heart rate up and get your internal body temperature up (burn some of those pesky calories!)

I suggest: PiYo, walking on an incline, jogging, plyometric workouts, etc. None of these will cause you to quit your workout 5 minutes in because they won't feel impossible!!



I LOVE LOVE LOVE Shakeology, and this isn't a question to anyone! This is not your mother's protein shake. It's something all it's own!

It is an all natural, whole food, protein, energizing, meal replacement shake with all of the vitamins and nutrients your body NEEDS and CRAVES after eating such unhealthy foods for the past few days (or weeks.) It also has probiotics to keep your tummy at its optimal bacterial state for proper digestion, along with fiber to keep everything MOVING..

PLUS, the amount of recipes you can make with this amazing shake are INCREDIBLE. You can make it taste like those evil little Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Minis that you can't stop grabbing on your way to the couch or out the door.

It will crush your cravings for junk, improve your overall health and you will feel so great, you will drink it forever! AND if you become a Coach you can receive Shakeology at the price I pay! Check it out here!

#5. Think about doing a full body Refresh!

This is the end of the year and we all have wonderful resolutions for 2016 that typically include:

- Getting Healthier
- Fit into my skinny jeans
- Workout more

In order to get your body at its pique performance, I recommend the 3 Day Refresh! This is a wonderful, 3 Day program that will help you reset your internal processes and you'll probably even lose a few pounds! Check it out here under "Shop".

TIP: This is also a great way to overcome a plateau!

Let me know if this helps you!! Also, contact me for information about Shakeology, fitness programs from home and building a business as a health and fitness coach!!

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