Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What Keeps You Motivated?

“What keeps you motivated to work out or eat clean?” This is a question I hear often. Well, honestly, there are many reasons I want to continue doing these things. The main reason, though, is that I want to be my best self every day.

                How often do you wake up and feel bloated? You slowly walk into the bathroom to look in the mirror and see the damage done by this weekend’s indulgences. As you glance at your own reflection you see a pimple the size of Mt Everest on your chin. What more could possibly go wrong today?

Well, realistically it isn’t the end of the world? It can be undone. But why start ALL OVER AGAIN? I don’t like to wake up Monday morning and feel sluggish and gross. I want to wake up and have energy. I want to walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection and feel confident in how I look and feel for the rest of that day.

                I know from much experience that the days after I over-indulge in sweets and rich foods, I feel crappy. I know that if I didn’t work out I will feel tired and motionless. I know that if I didn’t drink enough water I will feel puffy and my jeans won’t fit comfortably. Knowing all of these things, I know that I have to make the right decisions for ME. I know that I need to stay active, hydrated and healthy.

One thing that many people don’t think about every day is that without their health, they wouldn’t have anything. My theory is that, although it may seem selfish to others, I am taking the time necessary to care for me so that I can continue to be the person that others know and love. I take time to take care of myself to be able to take care of my son. I take the time to take care of me so that I can be the best ME I can be.  

So what motivates you? What inspires you? Is it bikini season? That cute dress you haven’t been able to wear yet? Your kids? I would like to know! Comment below!

Thank you for reading!

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