Friday, October 31, 2014

5 Healthy Tips to Survive Halloween

We all know just how FUN Halloween is for our little ones. They get to get all dressed up, go from door to door to get candy, come home and enjoy their plunders! We, on the other hand, have to deal with all the leftover Halloween candy (and by “deal with,” I mean try NOT to eat all of it) But no matter how hard you may try to avoid those sticky, sugary, chocolatey goodies, they still manage to just be wrappers on the floor, table and couch. And YOU end up with a tummy ache. How do these little devil spawns (aka candies) end up in your tummy without you even realizing it?!! 


Oh Halloween, as much as I used to love you as a child, I am now grown. My metabolism has slowed down, my body is no longer growing and these sweet treats MUST stay off my hips. So, how do you avoid it when it’s all around you? Well, short of completely banning it from your home (which I’m sure the little ones would not appreciate very much!) here are some fun tips that will help you save those extra calories from making your jeans too tight come Monday.. 


#1. Eat a healthy, protein-packed breakfast. 

                I know, I know… Breakfast? The Most Important Meal of the Day! Well, yeah, it is. And here is why it will help you avoid that binge. If you skip that healthy breakfast you are likely to consume MORE calories during the day (research has proven it!) Breakfast is essential for jump-starting your metabolism. It is called breakfast for a reason. It “breaks” the “fast.” If you do not eat this amazing meal within an hour of waking, your body is likely to start storing extra fat because it feels that it has been too long since you last ate and that means there must not be food available. So it panics and thinks, “OH NO!! Starvation is coming! Hey, it’s ok man, I got you!” And then those jeans are feeling a little snug just a few short days later... I promise. (I know from experience.) And the reason it is necessary to make sure you meal is protein-packed is because it will fill you up with LESS food and that full feeling will last LONGER! (Amazing, right?)


#2. Snack! Snack! Snack! 

                Sounds amazing, right? Well, sure you SHOULD snack a little throughout the day. But be strategic about it! Make sure that you are snacking at the right intervals. Your meals and snacks should be planned out in 2 ½ - 3 hour intervals.  For example, 2 ½ - 3 hours after you eat your breakfast, you should have a smaller, healthy snack. For me, this looks like apple slices and almond butter, or Ezekiel toast with almond butter and sliced banana. These are just a couple of examples of a healthy snack. You should have at least 2 small, healthy snacks throughout the day, between your meals. This will also prevent you from feeling snacky later when all that candy is in your hands, slowly being dropped into the bags of those adorable little trick-or-treaters. 


#3. Water Down!

                I’m sure you expected this one, especially if you know me at all. (I am a water FREAK!) But this is really important! Water is essential to our bodies. Every day that you do not drink enough water, you are depriving yourself of all the great benefits! Drink up! It will curb those darn cravings, help you drop that bloated look you’re rocking, and detoxify your body (there are many more benefits too, like clearer skin and weight loss!!) I find that the days that I am snack-y at night when I get home are the days that I have not had enough water. Here is an easy way to see just how much water you really SHOULD be consuming per day: Your Weight / 2 = Ounces of water you should be drinking! I mean, sure it may seem like a lot, but remember, your body is made up of mostly water, and you are constantly losing water throughout the day in tears, saliva, sweat, etc. Fuel your body, the calorie-free way!



                No matter what it takes, no matter what happens… work out! Find some time in your day to get your fitness on! Either walk with the kids while they trick or treat, go to the gym before the dreaded doorbell begins ringing, or fit in some crunches. Do SOMETHING to get active. Studies have shown that those that work out during the day are less likely to eat extra calories or crave sugary treats. Even if it’s just a few jumping jacks or running in place, any work out is better than no work out. Just be active. Your body will thank you, I promise. 


#5. Drop the Zombie Look.

                Meaning, get some SLEEP! First of all, it is not flattering having those bags under your eyes,  caked up with concealer. No one looks good or feels good when they are tired. We all KNOW this already, but seem to forget it with “Shark Tank” is on or we have access to Netflix. I am guilty, too. I could sit on the couch and watch every episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” until dawn breaks. But especially tonight, while we are all trying to avoid the dreaded candy dish, sleep is important! If you go to bed just an hour earlier, you will be less likely to eat too much candy (or any at all, if your willpower is Herculean!) But think about it, there are multiple benefits here. You technically can’t eat candy in your sleep and you are also helping your mind, body and soul with an extra hour of sleep. Trust me, just try it. 



So there you have it. 5 Simple Tips to help you avoid those evil treats tonight. Enjoy! I hope this was helpful! (And don’t beat yourself up too much if you have one or two delicious, sweet treats.) Happy Halloween!! 




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